

El test de intolerancias alimentarias i3 de GenT

La prueba genética i3 analiza la presencia o ausencia de los marcadores de riesgo involucrados en las 3 intolerancias más frecuentes:

Intolerancia permanente al gluten (enfermedad celiaca)



Lactose intolerance when the body stops producing lactase (lactase non-persistence):


Hereditary fructose intolerance (study of the most frequent mutations present in more than 92% of cases diagnosed in the world population):


¿Por qué es recomendable realizarse el test i3?

Los síntomas de las tres intolerancias (al gluten, a la lactosa y a la fructosa) son muy similares. Por eso este análisis genético nos permite determinar el origen de los síntomas para tratarlos de forma personalizada y efectiva. Estudiar cómo afectan los grupos de alimentos a cada individuo podría incluso evitar la aparición de los síntomas gracias a un diagnóstico precoz.

Some symptoms of food intolerances

In addition to the main symptoms, these intolerances are associated with different symptoms that disappear with an appropriate diet; some of them are:

Diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, gas, bloating, abdominal distension, frequent, soft and very bad-smelling stools.

Falta de apetito, anorexia, anemia y pérdida de peso. Psoriasis, dermatitis herpetiforme, pérdida de cabello y uñas débiles.

Both male and female infertility, irregular periods, early onset of menopause, etc.

Muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, bone and joint pain and osteoporosis.

Coordination and movement problems, gluten ataxia.

Dolores de cabeza, migrañas, fatiga, irritabilidad y depresión.

Type 1 diabetes, autoimmune hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome.

Addison's disease. In children it also means the presence of less growth and lack of weight gain.

Fructose intolerance causes hypoglycemia, and fructose consumption can cause irreversible damage to the liver and kidneys.

Preguntas frecuentes

A food intolerance is an adverse reaction of the body caused by the consumption of certain foods. The most common intolerance symptoms are headache or stomach pain, diarrhea, being overweight, chronic fatigue, joint inflammation and skin problems. Eating foods with substances for which we are intolerant gradually causes severe health problems. Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of the population undiagnosed.

It is an autoimmune pathology with a genetic predisposition, determined by several alleles of the HLA system. The presence of these causes an adverse reaction to gluten in some people. Gluten is a protein present in wheat, rye, barley and products derived from these cereals.

Celiac disease is characterized by atrophy of the villi of the intestinal mucosa and poor absorption of nutrients due to exposure to gluten, which leads to malnutrition and intestinal problems, among others.

Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance is very common, generally caused by a lactase deficiency (hypolactasia) that is acquired with age. When the activity of this enzyme is very low, lactose cannot be digested, causing abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea. The decrease in lactase production with age is genetically determined.

La IHF es una enfermedad genética en la que existe una deficiencia de aldolasa B, enzima que permite la metabolización de la fructosa. Dicha patología impide la correcta digestión de cualquier alimento que contenga fructosa, sacarosa o sorbitol. El consumo de alimentos con estas sustancias puede provocar hipoglucemias graves, insuficiencia hepática y renal grave.

Te Presentamos el test i3 Intolerance

Genetic test

i3 es una genetic test que permite determinar el riesgo de sufrir intolerancia al gluten, lactosa y fructosa en un mismo análisis.

Non invasive

i3 Es un test non-invasive. ADN is obtained from a saliva sample, in a completely painless way and is suitable for any person and age.

Only once

It is performed once in a lifetime, tu genética no cambia.

Innovative Technology

Innovative Technology que ofrece mayor precisión y profundidad en los resultados.

Delivery of results

Dispondrás de tus resultados en un plazo máximo de 6 semanas.