

La nutrición del futuro: Descubriendo la nutrigenómica

Nutrition of the future: Discovering nutrigenomics

We've all heard the old adage, "We are what we eat." But what if I told you that there's more to...
Test genéticos para conocer tu potencial deportivo

Genetic tests to know your sporting potential

Is it possible to know what genes say about physical performance and metabolic state? The...
¿Para qué sirve un estudio nutrigenético?

¿What is a nutrigenetic study for?

What is a nutrigenetic study for? Nutrigenetics is defined as the science that...
¿Tus genes determinan lo que deberías o no deberías comer?

¿Do your genes determine what you should or should not eat?

YOUR DNA AND YOUR DIET Do your genes determine what you should or should not eat? Welcome to the world of...
Así puede ayudarte el test genético a ser mejor triatleta

genetic testing can help you become a better triathlete

Cómo una prueba genética puede ayudarle a ser mejor deportista. Las pruebas genéticas han llegado para quedarse...
Actualización sobre pruebas genéticas

Update on genetic testing

Are you ready for personalized nutrition advice? Personalized counseling has been...
Cómo puedes conocer tu dieta definitiva con una muestra de ADN

How you can know your ultimate diet with a DNA sample

We have known for a long time that people react differently to food and food products....
Deportista de élite: ¿Influye la genética?

Elite athlete: Does genetics play a role?

In order to be among the best, it is necessary to train long hours, but it is also necessary to...
Personaliza tu alimentación para prevenir enfermedades

Personalize your diet to prevent diseases

Today, we have a precision tool that allows us to personalize our diet: the...
Test genéticos y rendimiento deportivo

Genetic testing and sports performance

It is a fact that the level of the athletes is increasing year after year, and proof of this are the...
La Medicina preventiva personalizada, uno de los pilares de la medicina del futuro

Personalized preventive medicine, one of the pillars of the medicine of the future

Personalized preventive medicine is one of the fundamental pillars of the Medicine of the future....
¿Qué es la medicina genómica?

¿What is genomic medicine?

If you were told that science could completely decipher your genetics, would you do it? Did you know that the...