How you can know your ultimate diet with a DNA sample

How you can know your ultimate diet with a DNA sample

We have long known that people react differently to food and physical training. Now we know why: Our genes influence food preferences and intolerances.

Numerous scientific studies confirm the relationship between genetics and the way our body metabolizes nutrients.. With a DNA sample we can know which is the most suitable diet for you; either to lose weight, to gain weight or to maintain it.

¿What can we identify with the help of a DNA sample?

By performing a genetic test we can know your sensitivity to gluten, lactose, caffeine, among other nutrients; and know your circadian rhythm.
Identify your predisposition and requirements of certain vitamins and minerals, in order to create a personalized supplement; know which are the exercises that go best with your genetics and, therefore, can give you better results.

Knowing your nutrigenetic profile really allows you to develop an eating plan.supplements and exercises, absolutely tailored to your needs. It is the route, from science, to achieve your best version; that your genes express themselves in a superior way.

¿How have nutrigenetic tests revolutionized medicine?
Obtaining nutrigenetic information is revolutionizing the management of the great health epidemics of the 21st century: obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, which have in common the increase of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Today, through nutrigenetics it is possible to prevent or improve the management of these diseases.

This diagnostic tool is increasingly being implemented by nutritionists, medical nutritionists and other health a complement in your diagnostic process, to personalize the nutritional plans of your patients.

Genetic Testing offers a range of different types of genetic testing to help you improve your health status and live a better quality of life.

Susana Díaz, Gen-T Manager in Colombia