Personalized preventive medicine, one of the pillars of the medicine of the future

Personalized preventive medicine, one of the pillars of the medicine of the future

Personalized preventive medicine constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of the Medicine of the future. Its primary goal is the optimization of preventive healthcare strategies and person-centered pharmacological therapies while the person is in good health or in the early stages of the disease. This is one of the main conclusions of the document 'Anticipating Reports. Personalized Preventive Medicine', carried out by the Personalized Precision Medicine Trends Observatory, of the Roche Institute Foundation.

To present this and other initiatives of the Foundation, a conference was held in Madrid with the participation, among others, of the specialists who make up the Observatory's advisory committee: Joaquín Arenas, Pablo Lapunzina and Ángel Carracedo.

In the presentation of the day, Federico Plaza, vice president of the Foundation, indicated that the will of this entity is “to contribute to generating and disseminating knowledge about Personalized Precision Medicine to ensure that Spain is at the forefront of health innovation.” . “In addition, it is necessary to anticipate the future, without losing sight of the advances and improvements that occur in the scientific field,” he assured.

According to experts, the use of 'omics' technologies and the involvement of health professionals, patients and public administrations are essential for the implementation of future preventive strategies.

Clinical Genetics Specialty

The report supports the official creation of the specialty of Clinical Genetics to ensure the regulated training of specialists in clinical aspects related to the diagnosis, treatment and genetic counseling of genetically based diseases, as well as in laboratory aspects related to genetic analysis techniques. .

Personalized preventive medicine will allow a more accurate determination of a person's possible predisposition or risk of suffering from a disease and, perhaps, its possible evolution. This anticipation will facilitate the design and development of personalized preventive strategies aimed at avoiding the development of health problems, as those attending the conference have explained.

Ángel Carracedo, coordinator of the Genomic Medicine Group of the University of Santiago de Compostela and member of the Observatory's advisory committee, explained that "this Medicine aims to stratify the disease into better treatable groups and also discover biomarkers of response to treatments to make them more effective and with fewer side effects.”

Challenges of personalized medicine

The main challenges for professionals, politicians and society, in general, in the development of this more personalized assistance, according to Julián Nevado, head of the Structural and Functional Genomics Unit of the Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics of Madrid, are:

  • Training, educational and dissemination challenges.
  • Need to implement strategies based on personalized preventive medicine.
    Desafíos éticos y legales.
  • At the closing of the day, Consuelo Martín de Dios, managing director of the Roche Institute Foundation, expressed hope: “All these advances seem like science fiction to us, but they are already here.

We have seen that personalized and highly predictive Medicine can now be done, which is surprising. Thanks to the development of 'omics' sciences, such as genomics, we can anticipate the disease and avoid or minimize the risks."

Eva Fariña (December 12, 2018) Personalized preventive medicine, one of the pillars of the Medicine of the future Recovered from: -the-medicine-of-the-future/